Токио – огромный мегаполис и столица Японии,занимающая побережье в Токийском заливеТихого океана, на юго-восточной части островаХонсю. Это один из крупнейших, влиятельных ивысокотехнологичных городов планеты с массойнебоскребов, исторических и ультрасовременныхдостопримечательностей. Здесь располагаютсязнаменитые заводы, изготавливающие лучшую вмире электронику, штаб-квартиры мировыхфинансовых корпораций, создана великолепнаяинфраструктура с множеством парков, музеев,отелей, торговых и развлекательных комплексов.
Tokyo - a huge metropolis and the capital of Japan, <br>which occupies the coast of Tokyo Bay <br>of the Pacific Ocean, on the south-eastern part of the island <br>of Honshu. This is one of the largest, most influential and <br>high-tech cities in the world with a mass of <br>skyscrapers, historical and cutting-edge <br>attractions. Here are located <br>famous factories that manufacture for the better <br>world of electronics, the headquarters of the global <br>financial corporations, created a great <br>infrastructure with many parks, museums, <br>hotels, shopping and entertainment complexes.

Tokyo is a huge metropolis and capital of Japan,<br>Occupying the coast in Tokyo Bay<br>Pacific Ocean, southeast of the island<br>Honshu. It is one of the largest, most influential and<br>high-tech cities of the planet with mass<br>skyscrapers, historic and state-of-the-art<br>Attractions. This is where<br>famous factories that make the best in<br>electronics world, world headquarters<br>financial corporations, created a magnificent<br>infrastructure with lots of parks, museums,<br>hotels, shopping and entertainment complexes.

Tokyo is a huge metropolis and the capital of Japan,<br>Tokyo Bay coastal industries<br>Southeast Pacific Island<br>This state. It's a big, powerful, and<br>High tech city quality<br>Skyscrapers, history and ultra modern<br>Scenic Spots and Historical Sites. Ad locum<br>The best factory in the world<br>World electronic industry organization, headquarters<br>Finance company<br>Infrastructure has many parks, museums,<br>Hotel, shopping and entertainment facilities.<br>