AV-Comparatives опубликовали отчет по производительности АВ продуктов за октябрь (локальная ссылка, диаграмма).
ОС: Windows 10 Home, 64-bit.
Исполняемые сценарии: копирование файлов, работа с архивами, установкаудаление приложений, запуск приложений, загрузка файлов, использование инструмента PCMark8 для получения дополнительных результатов производительности системы.
В тесте приняли участие 19 продуктов, в том числе Kaspersky Internet Security 2016.
3ье место (169,6 баллов) (впереди Avira с 172,7 баллами и Avast с 172,3 баллами);
Награда “ADVANCED+” (также её получили Avira, Avast, AVG, Emsisoft, Bitdefender, ESET, McAfee, eScan, Sophos, Tencent).
AV-Comparatives published a report on the performance of AB products for October (a local reference, chart).OS: Windows Home 10 64-bit.Executable scripts: copying files, archives, installation remove apps, running applications, downloading files, using the tool PCMark8 for more performance results system.In the test, was attended by 19 products including Kaspersky Internet Security 2016.Results: 3rd place (169.6 points) (ahead of Avira 172.7 points and Avast to 172.3 points); Award "ADVANCED +" (its got Avira, Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, Emsisoft, ESET, McAfee, Sophos, eScan, Tencent).

AV-Comparatives released a report on the performance of AV products in October (local reference chart).
OS: Windows 10 Home, 64-bit.
Executable scripts: copying files, work with archives, install remove applications, launching applications, downloading files, the use of PCMark8 tool for more performance results.
The test was attended by 19 products, including Kaspersky Internet Security 2016.
3e place (169.6 points) (Avira front with 172.7 points and 172.3 points with Avast );
Award "ADVANCED +" (as it got Avira, Avast, AVG, Emsisoft, Bitdefender, ESET, McAfee, eScan, Sophos, Tencent).

av Comparatives published a report on the performance of av products for october (local link graph).
os: windows 10 home, 64 bit executables script.
: copying the files, archives, installation / removal applications.launch applications, download files, the use of the tool PCMark8 to obtain additional results of productivity system.
test was attended by 19 products including kaspersky internet security 2016. results:
3rd place (169.6 points) (with 172,7 scores and avast avira ahead with 172,3 scores);
award for "advanced" (as she received the avira, avast, avg, Emsisoft, Bitdefender, is eset, mcafee, eScan, Sophos, tencent).