Привет. По приложенным логам понять ничего невозможно, там тикет вырезан. Нужен тикет, который реально пришёл пользователю. > При этом Активация отдает тикет с валидными периодами. Вот где это можно посмотреть?
Hello.On applied logs to understand nothing is impossible, there's the ticket cut. Need a ticket that actually came to the user.> While Activating pays ticket with valid periods.Here's where to look?
Hello. In the attached logs to understand nothing is impossible, there is cut the ticket. Need a ticket that really come to the user. > This gives Activation ticket with valid periods. This is where it can be viewed?
hi.on the distribution of logs to understand nothing is impossible, the ticket was drawn. a ticket that really came to the user.> the activation gives the ticket to валидными periods.that's where you can see it?