AV-Test опубликовали результаты AV-Test Android November 2015 (расширенные результаты, внутренняя ссылка, награда).
• В тестировании принимал участие Kaspersky Internet Security for Android
• Продукт заработал 12,5 баллов:
o 5,5 баллов в разделе «Protection»:
‘Prevalent’ - 4 пропуска, коллекция из 3147 файлов (у BD 0 пропусков);
‘Real World’ - 8 пропусков, коллекция из 3978 файлов (у BD 0 пропусков);
o Максимальные 6 баллов в разделе «Usability» , объединяющем результативность как по категории отсутствия ложных срабатываний, так и влиянию на производительность системы;
o Дополнительный 1 балл (из max 1.0) - в разделе «Important Security Features».
В сентябрьском тесте (AV-Test Android September 2015 (расширенные результаты, внутренняя ссылка, награда)) Kaspersky Internet Security for Android показал следующий результат:
• Продукт заработали максимальные 13 баллов:
o Максимальные 6 баллов в разделе «Protection»:
‘Prevalent’ - 0 пропусков, коллекция из 2827 файлов (у BD 0 пропусков);
‘Real World’ - 0 пропусков, коллекция из 4541 файла (у BD 0 пропусков);
o Максимальные 6 баллов в разделе «Usability» , объединяющем результативность как по категории отсутствия ложных срабатываний, так и влиянию на производительность системы.
o Дополнительный 1 балл (из max 1.0) - в разделе «Important Security Features».
AV-Test results published by AV-Test Android November 2015 (extended results, internal link, the reward).• Participated in testing of Kaspersky Internet Security for Android• Product earned 12.5 points:o 5.5 points in the section "Protection": ' Prevalent '-4 passes, a collection of 3147 files (BD 0 passes); ' Real World '-8 passes, a collection of 3978 files (BD 0 passes);o Maximum 6 points in the section "Usability", combining the impact of both the lack of false positives, and the impact on system performance;o an additional 1 credit (from max 1.0)-in the section «Important Security Features.In the September test (AV-Test Android September 2015 (extended results, internal link, award)) Kaspersky Internet Security for Android showed the following result:• Product earned the maximum 13 points:o Maximum 6 points under "Protection": ' Prevalent '-0 passes, a collection of 2827 files (BD 0 passes); ' Real World '-0 passes, a collection of 4541 files (from BD 0 passes);o Maximum 6 points in the section "Usability", combining the impact of both the lack of false positives, and the impact on system performance.o an additional 1 credit (from max 1.0)-in the section «Important Security Features.

AV-Test published the results of AV-Test Android November 2015 (extended results, internal reference, the award).
• The testing involved Internet Security for Kaspersky All Android
• The product has earned 12.5 points:
o 5,5 points in section "Protection»:
'Prevalent' - 4 passes, a collection of 3147 files (from BD 0 passes);
'Real World' - 8 passes, a collection of 3978 files (from BD 0 passes);
o Maximum 6 points in the " Usability », uniting performance as the category the lack of false positives and the impact on system performance;
o additional 1 point (of max 1.0) - see« Important Security Features ». In the September test (AV-Test Android September 2015 (extended results , internal reference, the award)) Kaspersky Internet Security for Android showed the following results: • The product earned the maximum 13 points: o A maximum of 6 points in the section «Protection»: 'Prevalent' - 0 passes in 2827 a collection of files (for BD 0 passes); 'Real World' - 0 passes, a collection of 4541 files (from BD 0 passes); o Maximum 6 points Section «Usability», uniting performance as the category the lack of false positives and the impact on system performance . o Optional 1 point (of max 1.0) - see «Important Security Features».

av test published results av test android november 2015 (advanced results, internal reference, reward).
- kaspersky internet security participated in testing for android
- product made 12.5 points:
o 55 points in the section "protection":
'Prevalent' - 4 passes, a collection of 3147 files (bd 0 passes);
'real world' - 8 passes, the collection of 3978 files (bd 0 passes);
o maximum 6 points in the section "Usability»,bringing together the results as the category of false positives, and the influence on the system performance;
o additional 1 point (from max 1.0) in the section "the important security Features».
in the september test (av test android september 2015 (advanced results, internal reference, reward) kaspersky internet security for android showed the following results:
- product made the maximum 13 points:.o maximum 6 points in the section "protection":
'Prevalent' - 0 passes, a collection of 2827 files (bd 0 passes);
'real world' - 0 passes, a collection of 4541 file (bd 0 passes);
o maximum 6 points in the section "Usability»,bringing together the results as the category of false positives, and the influence on the system performance.
o additional 1 point (from max 1.0) in the section "the important security Features».