Рецензировали продукты только под Windows. На Android-системе (5.1.1) многие заявленные функции продуктов работали некорректно, и от идеи рассмотреть их работу на мобильных устройствах на базе этой ОС и опубликовать отчет отказались.
Criticized products only under Windows. The Android system (5.1.1) many alleged product functionality worked correctly, and from an idea to consider their work on mobile devices based on the Linux operating system and refused to publish a report.
Peer-reviewed products only under Windows. On Android-system (5.1.1), many claimed function products work properly and to consider the idea of their work on mobile devices based on the Linux operating system and refused to publish the report.
рецензировали products only under windows. the android system (5.1.1) many of the functions of the products were incorrect.from ideas to consider their work on mobile devices based on the os and the publication of the report, refused.